January was a very busy month and starting fresh for the new year always feels exciting. In this post, I am sharing with you some things I discovered, liked, and read during January.
January was a very busy month and starting fresh for the new year always feels exciting. In this post, I am sharing with you some things I discovered, liked, and read during January.
Sharing what I read throughout the previous year is by far one of my favorite posts to write. I gained a sense of satisfaction from another year of reading new books and seeking new knowledge or just for pleasure, which means that I continued to do one thing that relaxes me the most, reading. See everything that I read in 2024 and what I look forward to reading in 2025.
The books I read in a year are some of my favorite posts to share! I genuinely enjoy reading as a way to slow down and relax. It is my favorite way to connect with others who I know read as well. This past year was a busy one so my goal for 2023 to give myself at least 30 minutes per day to read was not as successful as I hoped. But, I am still going into 2024 with the same goal!
This year I am proud that I have read more than one book! Being in grad school, focusing on content creation for my blog and IG, working full-time, etc I did not prioritize my reading time like I used to. I finished up 2022 reading nine books of all different genres from personal finance to fictional summer reading.
I am a huge fan of gifting books for the holiday. They are a great way to provide a resource for a friend or family depending on the genre, or it can be a fun read that they can enjoy!
There is no better feeling than being able to kick up your feet after a long day or enjoying a slow summer day with a good book. I look forward to reading easy, fun books with entertaining storylines. I am sharing some books I enjoyed reading during the summer!
Reading is my favorite pastime. I try to make it a habit to sneak in at least 30 minutes of leisure reading a day. Last year I read 11 books, here’s what I read.